
Hope’s Mission Statement

We, Hope Lutheran Church, are CALLED by God, REDEEMED by Jesus Christ, SPROUTING from
the seed of God’s Word, and BRANCHING out to reach God’s people…

…We have been called to proclaim, by the power of the Holy Spirit, GOD’s LOVE, JUSTICE, and MERCY to our communities and to the world. We will reach out to meet the physical, social, and spiritual needs of people through worship, fellowship, nurture, witness and service. We are committed to SERVING people of all races, backgrounds, ages and abilities, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Hope’s Welcome Statement

We, the people of Hope Lutheran Church, believe that the good news of Jesus Christ and God’s love is for everyone. We strive to offer authentic hospitality and genuine relationships by welcoming all to hear and proclaim the gospel, to receive the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, and to go into the world together to serve others in Jesus’ name.

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