At Hope we follow a standard order for worship. Sunday worship includes: scripture readings, prayers, sermon, hymns / music, reciting one of the creeds, and Holy Communion. Everything needed for worship is provided in the worship bulletin and hymnal / worship book. Whether you are a lifelong Lutheran, come from a different Christian background, or are exploring your faith you are welcome to join us!
We worship every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. both in person & on Facebook Live
Children in Worship: We love to have children present in worship! Children learn to worship by being present and participating as they are able. We We have family tables in the sanctuary where they are welcome to play with quiet toys, games, or other activities. Activity bags and sound reducing headphones for toddlers / youth available in our nursery for children / youth to use during worship. We also recognize that children might prefer room to move, play, and be loud so our nursery is availably during worship for ages newborn – 5 years of age. Children 6 and older are welcome to use the Education Room during worship if they need space to move around, or if they are feeling overwhelmed and need a quite space. Games and activities are provided in the Education Room for children to enjoy during worship.
Building Accessibility & Worship Aids: Our building is all one level and our main bathrooms have stalls with handicap rails and seats. Our bulletins for worship are all large print. If you are joining us for the first time (or anytime you would like!) we also have “pew buddies” who would be delighted to sit with you and guide you through worship / answer any questions you might have. If you would like a pew buddy please just let the pastor know or ask a greeter!